Thursday, January 29, 2009

the fourth protocol

"it is for this reason that we must undermine faith, eradicate from the minds of the Gentiles(non jews) the very principles of God and Soul, and replace these conceptions by mathematical calculations and material desires"

"The fourth Protocol."

I could relate this to myself. many times i have been distracted and many times they have won me over. but if you ask me why think about it, you're either too ignorant or you have no idea about life.


Anonymous said...

ainul! i am ur mystery reader. ok, anyway, i just want to say, whatever is in the protocol, especially the one u just mentioned, thats what's happening to americans today!! they themselves x sedar, tp mmg yahudi dah jalankan protocol ni kat depa!! i see it soo much!! i mean, from one point of view, we think they are trying to target the muslims, tapi actually depa target america first, who will then sebarkan ke seluruh alam!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Actually thats why henry ford super marsh, cos they were ruining the real America.the people and their resources so they pursue destroying the world. Henry ford saw that. It 's such a waste that people gives less attention to this

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry so many typos up there. I'm typing with my iPod.