Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to stop.Fullstop.

so today, i will share with you my excrutiating experience when I started boycotting Israel,AGAIN.

Okay it started with Mcdonalds. Well that wasn't suppose to be hard, cause the only thing i eat there is McEgg Muffin, and Mcflurry. FINEE, and occasionally some french fries.

So it went well for a few weeks. I didn't even crave for anything. i later figured that it was more of terminating the habit of buying rather than the desire of wanting to eat Mcdonalds. I finally stopped for good.

the thing about stopping is, when you stop so suddenly, without bidding adieu first, your cravings/desires/temptations, will definitely seek you, one way or another.

So one day, I couldn't resist thinking about oreos. Weird, yeahs. I was really craving for an Oreo Mcflurry. However, I thought about the amount i have to pay which is 4 bucks, and that means, 4 palestinian lives. (yeahs, one bullet for each ringgit). But i knew that this temptations will keep on coming untill it is triumphant. So what i did was:

I held back my intentions to buy it.
I stuffed myself with food.
Finally when i was bloated enough to puke, I drove myself to Mcdonalds,ALONE.
Well, its basically human nature to resent anything that goes down their throat when their stomachs are three quarters or above full.
And please notice how i emphasized on ALONE. This means you have no one to share it with.
I bought my last Mcflurry, Gulp it down my throat, and now, I CANNOT STAND THE SIGHT OF WHITE SOFTIES MIXED WITH OREOS.

So remember the steps :D

1 comment:

Zulaikha said...

ey nunul,its sad ha how we strive to become better people by controlling our greatest and guiltiest pleasures.well,we wouldn't have to in the first place if those bloody thickheads would stop killing people.Then all we'd have to worry about is where that McChicken is gonna go down to.*sighs*