Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life Crisis #45

problem of the day/week/month/year:
An outrage of contemplation.

On what: Choosing my university.

Gawrsh.It's so hard to do this. Unlike UK, getting all your offers from Aussie University means trouble. I'm having such a tough time deciding between the first university in Australia and The number 1 university in Australia :S

I shouldn't even be blabbing about this here, but I just wanted to spread out the news that I've made my decision.

It's so creepy that for once, my dad said,

"I think dot dot dot is good for you cause it's a beautiful place, and you'll have tons of fun there. I don't want you to get bored and travel constantly just to get a piece of enjoyment. plus, it's not like you're rejecting the number 1 place to go to a number 4 or 5. Dot dot dot is second right?"

"No dad, it's 3rd, i didn't apply to melbourne which is number 2 cause..well you know why."

and he still said okay.

creepy, mainly because when it came to Oxford, he insisted that I study there even though I told him about how demotivated I feel in that city. But this is good, he's starting to understand.

So the dot dot dot is Sydney!! I've made up my mind. I need a life while doing my degree. Focusing too much on the school reputation and ranking will not produce me an enjoyable student life. at least, i don't Think so. So good news to sydney, i'm about to add a dash of awesome into the already super gnarly city.

Good news for you too Zulaikha!!

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