Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friends for-evahhhhh

I just read something that made me reminisce my primary school years.

My friend once said:

"Ainul, You can't live to please everyone."

It was true, and I learnt that too little too late as being the I-please-everyone-ainul ,had cost me my best student award. Sekolah Rendah only right?BIG DEAL.

It was. it still makes me sad untill now, but the silver lining is, I have a friend who still speaks of how disgruntled he is about the decision the school made. Don't get me wrong, I don't find pleasure in knowing a friend believes in me more than I do or the fact that someone actually thinks the school made the wrong decision. It's just enlightening how people just seem to look up to you after all those years and still remember the small but significant things about you.

Those friends are endangered and face gradual extinction. They deserve to be kept and preserved for eternity.

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