Thursday, October 30, 2008

Malaysia,tanah airku.

Sayiddah from Bangladesh: I love Malaysia and am planning to make it my second home, when I retire.It's good for my kids, I want them to grow up in an Islamic country.

My advice:
Sorry to say, but I will not allow my beloved new classmate to do it.
Malaysia is far from Islamic, Malaysia is far from being a good place for your kids to grow.

would you agree with me?if no, why?


J said...

I'm here neither to disagree or disagree with you but really, who are we to judge between what is Islamic and what is not Islamic?

aish. said...

It really does depend on a few things:

1. Where she will be living in Malaysia
2. Where she'll be sending her children for a so-called "good" Islamic education
3. Lastly and most importantly, where she came from in Bangladesh to where she'll be Malaysia that will make all the difference.

My personal opinion is to agree with you. It could probably be because I'm biased to Malaysia, I grew up here and I know of how morally degraded the uptown-foreigner area of Malaysia has been and how nearly impossible it is to get a clean, well-practising Islamic neighbourhood(in K.L., at least) here. Plus, being a foreigner in Malaysia she'll probably have to send her kids to an International school where they'll mix with students from all kinds of religious practices = moral disaster. Save those children! Tell her to decide against it!

ainulryakova said...

thank you so much aisyah. no reality checks for you needed. and i'm not just saying that because you decided to agree with me, but because they are facts, they are the reality in which many are constantly denying and continue living in their denial.

to jannah: thank you too :) i'm just a lil confused, when you say we, who exactly are you referring to.?i need to know before i can give a valid reply to that

ainulryakova said...

is it aliens?humans?malaysians?muslims?

ainulryakova said...

to jannah:
actually i was thinking that the latter would be of greater sigficance to what i'm preventing my friend from doing.

but talking about the former, yeahs, i may be a bad muslim, she may be,he may be, we may be.but from what i witness in malaysia, as a muslim myself, i don't see malaysia as an islamic country.. i wouldnt say i'm's really more of an observation rather than a judgement.

although, that kind of a statement might sound hypocritical when said by someone who has very shallow knowledge about religion, i say, instead of preventing ourselves from judging sth because we are afraid we aren't good enough, why not go ahead and tell your self, what is wrong and right so that you'll have it in your heart at least.if you get what i mean.

ainulryakova said...

to jannah:
actually i was thinking that the latter would be of greater sigficance to what i'm preventing my friend from doing.

but talking about the former, yeahs, i may be a bad muslim, she may be,he may be, we may be.but from what i witness in malaysia, as a muslim myself, i don't see malaysia as an islamic country.. i wouldnt say i'm's really more of an observation rather than a judgement.

although, that kind of a statement might sound hypocritical when said by someone who has very shallow knowledge about religion, i say, instead of preventing ourselves from judging sth because we are afraid we aren't good enough, why not go ahead and tell your self, what is wrong and right so that you'll have it in your heart at least.if you get what i mean.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say Malaysia is an Islamic country..however I do think that if the family is strong enough, the child can be as islamic as they would want her to be. I mean, no matter where you put the child, in an Islamic country or not - the child would just be how she/he is if the parents were not religious.

:) hello ainul.

Ahmad Rashaad said...

it's 50-50. basically she's having a problem with bangladesh as being an islamic country too. "..when I retire.It's good for my kids.."

well normally the bangdladeshi or foreigners staying here will send their kids to international school. either islamic or international it doesn't matter as long as their kids are equipped with full knowledge of islamic practice and studies and they know to certain extent what should do and should not do and between halal and haram.

between interrelationship between his/her friends there might be a problem. you can see the lifestyle here in terms of close proximity relationship and well being about.

basically anywhere you go, i mean the kids as long as they can carry themselves it shouldn't be a problem.

even they faced the same problem in their own country, what even more here.

ainulryakova said...

right on miza. i do think that family plays the biggest role.

i get what you mean too rashaad.

but in a way, some people know that they lack knowledge in things they know is good. religion is a perfect example.
parents might be the worst example but at the same time they want their kids to be good. so this is when your environment plays the most significant role.